Advice for a potential Music Major

I received an email about auditioning for admission to a college music program:

Well I am auditioning for ******* University’s Music department.

Here are the things I have to do:
1. Perform 3 pieces
2. Take a music theory test
3. Sight sing

I am not however able to take lessons right now due to family and school responsibilities. But that will not stop me from doing my best. Would you happen to have any other resources that I can use to study for this audition?

Here was my advice to this person:

1) Practice everyday. Regardless. Make it happen to the point of being rude.

2) The difference between amateurs and pros:

3) Record yourself “performing” the pieces. listen to the recording analytically (what could have been better?) Make a list, and work on the list.

4) Tons of music theory sites online – I have a short list at

5) Know your scales. The goal – though it isn’t critical that you be able to do this at the outset, is both hands, 4 octaves, 16th notes at 120 bpm – all 12 majors, as many minors as you can get.

6) Best way to learn to sightsing is to sightsing. At every practice session sightread through a new section of music for about 5=10 minutes – there is TONS of music online for printout (public domain stuff – yup, they’re legal).

Last note: the purpose of the music theory test and the sightsinging test is partly to measure your musical experience [and thus your chances of being successful], but mostly for placement purposes. Perfection is not expected!

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