New Album – just starting

I’ve decided it’s time to record a new album – after all, it’s been 2 years since Accessible Depth, a year and a half since MIXTURE, and Seasons was….well, a long time ago.

The albums I’ve started on Nimbit are ad hoc collections of material that I’ve recorded as the mood hits – and although I **am** proud of that material, I’m ready to work on some serious arrangements.

I think.

Starting a new project is always a bit scary – I have no idea HOW this is going to turn out, nor even IF I can pull it off between all the day-to-day life stuff that occurs. However, I’m going to give it a shot.

What I’m going to do is to track my progress – primarily to my “tribe” – which, by the way, is free to join, easy to unsubscribe from, and would get you discounts on recordings that you can’t get anywhere else [just thought I’d mention it!]. Today I was in Barnes and Noble in Chattanooga, TN, and I picked up a musical sketchbook. It’s quite nice, and actually can be lefty-friendly if turned upside down.

I’m hoping my Ticonderoga Dixon #1 pencils work well on the paper. I’m partial to writing with a #1 from TD – yes, I’m a pencil snob – and composing on paper is a completely different mental process than improvising or going straight from brain to recording.

My plan is to use the notebook to sketch out the journey – and share what I write on the pages as the album comes together with the tribe.

Consider this an invitation to join me on this journey – it won’t be commercialized, it may not be often, but I will do my best to make it interesting as I create this thing from the bits floating around in my head.

To join the tribe, surf over to my homepage at and add your name. [You’ll get a followup email asking you to confirm – please do!] Then you’ll get all the updates as I work on this thing……in between all the life stuff that happens.

OH, yeah – and please share this with your network by clicking some of those links there at the bottom.


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