Quick update

Work on the album is proceeding, slowly but surely.

Anticipated release: October, 2015.

Album title: It SHOULD be called CHRISTmas

Joey Stuckey will be producing it – we’re still working on what exactly that means!


I just spent some “quality time” revamping the innards of the website, and finally got the “Tom Tribe” portion working again. I had no idea it had been broken for a few months.

So now is a great time to join the Tribe! You’ll get access to over 45 minutes of FREE TomMusic, including some sheet music and charts and one track that has NEVER been released anywhere else. The Tribe will get first access to the new album, preview cuts, to outtakes, and whatever else I can throw in the bin.

Visit TomRule.info and fill out the form.
Click on the confirmation email, and you’re in!

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