
“Paging Eloise”, from The Week Begins. Want to play it? Sheet Music!

The sheet music for Paging Eloise is available at JW Pepper, Sheet Music Direct, and Sheet Music Plus. JW Pepper actually has an options where THEY will print it out, on excellent quality paper. The links above will take you directly to the Paging Eloise pages.

Why call it Paging Eloise when it is a jazz piano piece inspired by “Fur Elise”?

I ran across an article a while back – and I conveniently forget where in case the story turns out to be not exactly correct – that the publisher mis-read the title of the piece due to Beethoven’s ABYSMAL handwriting. The piece was apparently supposed to be dedicated to Eloise.

….and given the album The Week Begins is a musical look at a really good workweek – with the possible exception of Eloise – including a pager in the title just seemed right [especially given there is a slide projector in The Meeting]

At some point in the future I’ll post a live performance of the piece. For now, though, here’s the album version: