Online piano / Keyboard / Praise Band lessons

I’ve been on the faculty of VidChat University for a few months now. It is a conduit where musicians can take lessons on an ad-hoc OR continuing basis over the internet, and it works pretty well. We’re running a special for the holidays – see below!

Click to see my instructor page.


“Like” VidChat University on Facebook and ask for a coupon code for four lessons for only $144 ($36 each!).

Each of us has been given specific talents. Along with those talents comes a responsibility. As musicians we need to be sure we’re performing skillfully. We need to know when we present the gift of music to the listeners, that it is the best it can possibly be in that moment. 
Now for the first time in history we have access to private music lessons from the industry professionals in some of the world’s leading music capitals.
Video cameras are commonplace and inexpensive – even built into many personal computers. When combined with free software, they give us the ability to experience live and personal music lessons from these pros. We can learn from them – improve. We can find a renewed passion and confidence in our own craft. When we do, others will notice – and want to listen.

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