I **thought** that piano playing sounded familiar……
My wife was looking at Facebook, and started playing this lyric video. As it played I kept wondering why it sounded so familiar.
Turns out that was me doing the piano work on the tune – “It’s Your Life” by Tamara Wilson. My friend Joey Stuckey – who produced the tune and played guitar and bass on it – posted the thing on Facebook.
There is often a fair amount of time between when Joey throws a project my way and when I hear the final result. When that happens I’ve usually long forgotten that I’d played on the thing – too many OTHER things to remember. Usually I can dredge up the memory given enough rummaging around the back end of the cave known as my head.
I remember this one – Joey handed me the chart, the rough tracks, and said, “Play something”. It was fun – I tried to seriously accompany Tamara’s rough track, creating something that grew over time as the lyrics did. Miguel Castro added some very tasty drum work, and Joey’s guitar work is pretty nice as well [but don’t tell him I said that].
OCTOBER 2021 UPDATE: Tamara asked me to play on another track – an excellent version of the Lord’s Prayer. Joey Stuckey is producing, so it will be an excellent track!