New Music: The Week Begins
Did you ever wish you could bottle up the perfect week into music? A week where you just breeze through the to-do list?
Then pick up a copy of The Week Begins, with 11 original tracks that will uplift you, keep your ears interested, and just make your week better.
Bring some musical magic into your next 7 days.
--- Tom's Dad
Piano / Keyboard Music that’s worth your time
Looking for some interesting Piano/Keyboard music that is worth listening to more than once? Tired of hearing music that just sounds the same, or that you’ve heard repeated more times than you care to remember? Looking to jazz up, spice up, interest up your playlist?
Having worked with names such as Darius Rucker, The Grapevine, Joey Stuckey, and select members of The Mile High Orchestra, Tom Rule puts his 30+ years in the music industry into every creation. His music has been played on at least 4 continents, and has been played on the air in at least 7 countries plus internet radio.
Music that will jazz up your playlist – and maybe your life.
Want more info and details? Click on over for details and more information about what is available.
- The Albums – descriptions and links
- Printed sheet music and charts – learn to play Tom’s music for yourself! There’s even a Tuba duet in the stash…..
Sample Tom’s Music In Your Favorite Places
Check out Tom Rule on:
Amazon | Apple Music | Spotify | Pandora
or Tom&Co on
Amazon | Apple Music | Spotify | Pandora
Click below to get details on Tom’s albums [under his own name as well as the band Tom&Co], including track lists and links to access them:
Brethren | Seasons | Accessible Depth | It Should Be Called CHRISTmas | It Should Be Called CHRISTmas LIVE
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For use in various media projects, click here to get the relevant info from Audiosparx.