
One Handed Trios

Well, what would YOU call a piece of music that can be played by three players, or two, or [sometimes] one? One Handed Trios?

The OHT series is music written on three staves – it could be played by three players. If two players, one will be playing two staves – either the top two or the bottom two, and the second player is reading the remaining. SOME of the pieces are playable by one player – although that might take some judicious working around some technical issues. [Need to leave out some stuff? I’m fine with that!]

These are a variety of skill levels, and a variety of instruments required. Some can be played on one instrucment by three players who like each other [or can at least tolerate each other.] Most can be played on two instruments.

Note that these will work on piano AND on keyboards. Have some fun. Be creative!

If you do have a performance you can send me, please do.. and let me know if I may share it with my audience as well.

  • OHT: “Family”, from The Week Begins
    The One Handed Trio version of “Family”, from the Week Begins album, is now available at JW Pepper, Sheet Music Direct, and Sheet Music Plus. This is a pleasantly challenging piece with consistent syncopation and an interesting melody – it is a lot of fun to play! See the demo video at https://youtu.be/hi3PPRLctKg – which has ...
  • OHT: No Problem, from The Week Begins
    Did you ever have one of those days when The Boss hands you a task and your first thought is,”No Problem”? That’s what this fun little tune captures. The piece has a rhythmic left hand part that percolates along while the right hand overlays a pleasant but tricky melody and accompaniment. This is the One Handed ...
  • “No Problem” sheet music [One Handed Trios version]
    This OHT version of the tune from The Week Begins evokes that moment when the Boss hands you a task and you know it is a piece of cake, easy-peasy, and absolutely nothing to worry about. As with all the One Handed Trio pieces, it can be played by either two [one performer ...
  • One Handed Trios – Piano music
    Yes, it’s a deliberately flexible title! One Handed Trios refers to a continuing set of music with three lines, meant for one to three players. Some will work on one piano or keyboard, and some require multiple instruments . Each piece is available individually, but also as a ...
  • One Handed Trios? [Yes, FIVE of them]
    One Handed Trios are a series of three-line short piano pieces I’ve used in my teaching over the years. I finally got around to officially publishing them – the first 5 are available on SheetMusicDirect and SheetMusicPlus. They look a little odd when you first glance at them – three lines of music. So are they for a soloist? ...