

A discography, a collection of titles, music you’ll not hear from anyone else.
However you describe it, here are Tom’s albums.
Some are available over at the Etsy store.

  • The Week Begins
    DOWNLOAD THE DO-IT-YOURSELFALBUM BOOKLET –> CLICK HERE! What would a really good work week sound like? The Week Begins is a look at particular moments in a fantastic week where everything is just going your way: the boss gives you a task that is freaking easy, the coffee is extra good, uptown still has the funk, ...
  • Seasons
    Seasons – a collection of creative instrumental music filled with over an hour of music that is fun for your feet and bodacious for your brain! It’s great for Christmas AND Easter! There are 4 biblical references on the album cover. Seriously, there are. But you have the think creatively – Loosen up with some good puns first ...
  • Brethren
    tom&co’s first album was recorded at Phoenix Studios in 1999 – the site of the former Capricorn studio where Otis Redding and the Allman brothers recorded. It was recorded and mixed by Skip Slaughter. The goal of tom&co was to take traditional “church” music and turn it sideways so that those ...
  • It Should Be Called CHRISTmas LIVE
    The Studio album went so well, we recorded a live solo piano version! It is still a mix of Lounge, Bebop, Jazz, and Classical, and is still a fresh take on some familiar CHRISTmas tunes, plus a couple of originals, and a few surprises. If you like CHRISTmas music, and solo piano, and are REALLY ...
  • It Should Be Called CHRISTmas
    Enjoy some of your Christmas classics …. but in a new, enjoyable way.  With a mix of lounge, bebop, jazz, and classical influences, you’ll enjoy familiar Christmas music coupled with brand new takes and styles – featuring Christmas music that HASN’T been overplayed. You’ve walked into stores and heard the same 50 songs that play on every ...
  • Accessible Depth
    Filled with interesting keyboard music created by someone who is living proof God has a sense of humor. Includes a fascinating version of Solfigietto that brings back memories and surprises for any piano student that learned the piece….and for anyone who ever wondered if the Bach Boys could have written jazz if they’d lived in ...