In the studio recording the CHRISTmas album…..
Back in 2014/2015 I worked on the album “It Should Be Called CHRISTmas”, which came out very well. I recently ran across this draft of a post I wrote in the midst of the process – we were in the throes of recording [which involved a fair amount of scheduling and some VERY long days]. It is interesting to look back, knowing how the project came out.
I’ve had several sessions in the last two weeks – which is why I haven’t been posting! Those are looooong days, but good ones.
This album has become my most personal – and terrifying – project yet. Personal because there is a lot of thought put into these tracks over the last year or so. Terrifying because going in – and, indeed, even still – I am not sure it is going to be worth the time, effort, and money put into it. Granted, halfway through the recording process I am feeling like it very well might be!
The clash of how the music sounds in my head (perfect) versus what got recorded (not exactly perfect) is difficult territory indeed. Tons of questions asked, like:
- Is that the best I can do?
- Is it worth the time, energy, and money to do another take?
- Should I change the arrangement so it’s easier to play?
- Is that take musically satisfying?
….or as Joey and I are phrasing it:
sWhile I wrestle with those decision – and drink some more coffee, I’m trying to keep in mind that we recorded 3 tunes in 7 hours, plus pizza, and had a ball.