
Isn’t it time for some CHRISTmas music?

So Thanksgiving is over – NOW we can start listening to Christmas music….. rather, CHRISTmas music.

Fill out the form below and you’ll get a copy of the title track from my album “It Should Be Called CHRISTmas”. It’s a fun bit o’ music that captures the Christmas morning hubbub with small kids in the house just DYING to get over to the CHRISTmas tree…….

If that block doesn’t work above, click this link: https://show.co/ptfPL50

Would you like to know more about the album? CLICK HERE for more details.
You can see some videos taken in the studio and hear some stories about the album creation process in a video series called “CHRISTmas Stories“.

Enjoy…. and Merry CHRISTmas!

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